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College Prep

As you know, SVA is committed to providing you with the highest quality of education. However, we also know that thinking about the ACT/SAT tests can be stressful. Being well prepared is the key, which is why we encourage you to sign up for an ACT/SAT prep course. The course will provide an extensive review of what you’ve learned in high school and will prove very helpful in preparing for the ACT/SAT tests.

In the near future, we’ll offer these prep courses on campus. For now, we direct your attention to the following (1) UNM links, (2) SAT/ACT practice tests and (3) SAT/ACT guidelines:

If you plan to take the SAT, a practice-test assessment will help identify areas in which you may need some work before the test date. Once you have completed the assessment, you will receive a link to a site that will assist you in the areas you need to practice.

SAT Practice Test

If you plan to take the ACT, a practice test assessment will help identify areas in which you may need some work before the test date. Once you have completed the assessment, you will receive a link to site that will assist you in the areas you need to practice.

ACT Practice Test

To obtain a free SAT study guide or practice test you can either stop by the Academic VP’s office or you can download them here.

SAT Study Guide

The following link may also prove helpful as the reviews of their test prep are very positive an they have a good process for practice questions an brushing up on your weaker areas.

Number 2 - ACT

The following link may also prove helpful as the reviews of their test prep are very positive and they have a good process for practice questions and brushing up in your weaker areas.

Number 2 - SAT


Freshmen Year
Take the PSAT 8/9

Sophomore Year
Take the PSAT 10

Summer Preceding Your Junior Year
Take a PSAT to learn your baseline score.

Fall of Your Junior Year
Study for & take the official SAT

Your Junior Year
Take the PSAT/NMSQT after studying for or taking the SAT to increase your chances of qualifying for a National Merit Scholarship.

Spring of Your Junior Year
Take the SAT again if you were not happy with your score.

Late Summer or Fall of Senior Year
If you were not happy with your SAT score, take the test one final time.


Sophomore Year
Take the PreACT

Summer Preceding Your Junior Year
Take the Practice ACT

Fall of Your Junior Year
Study for and take the official ACT

Spring of Your Junior Year
Take the ACT test again if you were not happy with your score.

Summer Before Your Senior Year
Take the ACT test one final time if you were not happy with your score.


Sandia View Academy offers the PSAT8, PSAT9 & PSAT10, the ACT and the SAT. Information on testing times as well as how to register and receive information can be accessed via the links below. If you have further questions, please contact our office at 505-898-0717 or information@sandiaviewacademy.org

High School Code: 320173 Test Center Number: 32122


Parent Resources

Online Library Resources

Our five state libraries leverage state and federal funds to bring parity of information access to all students.

Mediated Access

Mediated access:  Credible content delivered by major vendors include subscriptions to Encyclopedia Britannica, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, Gale, Mango Languages, and Pronunciator, among others.

New Mexico El Portal
Research Databases and Guides

Individuals – access granted via geolocation on computer or mobile device

State and public libraries – via geolocation and individual access

Unmediated Access

Unmediated access: Digital access to valuable historical and cultural content – books, photographs, recordings, newspapers, diaries, letters, and interviews – is provided by many public and private organizations.  Examples include:

Transcript Request

Providing your financial account is paid in full, a transcript will be mailed from SVA upon receipt of your signed written request and a $15 fee

Request Form